I nearly gave it all up!
I don’t need to tell you that running a business is hard, I know you get it!
The long days, trying to do all the things, nights with no sleep, worry that you won’t make the money you need... and the rest!
I nearly quit this entrepreneurial life, but I realised what I actually needed…
I don’t need to tell you that running a business is hard, I know you get it!
The long days, trying to do all the things, nights with no sleep, worry that you won’t make the money you need... and the rest!
When I sacked my corporate job to work on my business full time, I had more than enough work to keep me busy but when those projects came to an end, I had a heart-stopping few weeks while I looked for my next clients.
And it kept happening again and again. I’d get so caught up with the work on my business that I forgot about working on my pipeline, I’d skip the networking events and neglect my social media.
I’m a certified introvert.
I love working with my clients but working on building my business wasn’t my strong point.
I found the whole sales and marketing process stressful and if I’m honest, I procrastinated.
So when a corporate client offered me a job (for the third time!) I engaged in the negotiation, I thought about how nice it would be to just have one job!
To focus on delivering the best to clients and having a team to deal with all the rest and provide cover when I took a break!
It was looking very appealing.
But I remembered what I’d be leaving behind.
My freedom, taking my girls to school, meeting hubby for lunch and taking on the projects that appeal to me, to name a few...
I decided it was time to build a team to take on the things I wasn’t so good at and so I hired a virtual assistant to tackle my marketing and systematise my sales process.
It changed my life.
My VA’s email folder is called ‘Lifesaver’.
Without feeling the need to constantly work on the sales and marketing elements of my business, I was able to focus on the stuff I liked, this has lead to me writing a book, being featured in publications and podcasts and still delivering bespoke HR solutions.
Are you ready to build a team that frees you up to take you business to the next level?
Grab our FREE guide to hiring your first or next team member.
Do you want an overhead or an investment
One of the biggest myths that hold businesses back is seeing staff as a cost rather than an investment. A great team should be an investment in the growth and development of your business.
Do you see it that way?
One of the biggest myths that hold businesses back is seeing staff as a cost rather than an investment.
While we must wait until we have the income needed to cover staff costs, hiring the cheapest is very rarely the answer.
Like Julie, an amazing creative who built her business by working with interns and trainees; she came to me because she felt like she was constantly retraining her team.
The interns were great for projects and the trainees would stay for a year and then leave to take a ‘proper job’ that paid them a ‘proper salary’.
This meant that the business that Juile had run for over 10 years was beginning to feel like a burden.
She couldn’t go away on holiday without shutting her shop. She had to keep a watchful eye at all times.
It started affecting her turnover too, so wasn’t creating new items. Her loyal regulars were coming in and recommending friends but that was it, hardly any walk-ins.
Julie didn’t have time to be creative, she was focused on keeping things ticking over and making sure the quality of the finished items was high.
Using our unique systems and processes, we identified the roles and structure that Julie needed to build her business and make it less reliant on her constant presence.
We hired an Operations Manager to oversee the store, interns and trainees. Julie was able to focus on her love of designing and training the trainees.
Once she was free from the red tape, Julie felt her creative juices start to flow again and she was able to find the time to design new innovative items.
A part-time Marketing Executive was also hired to oversee a website refresh, create and implement the social media strategy.
Even though the pandemic, the online store kept Julie and her team busy – creating items, making repairs and even creating some bespoke designs.
Getting a qualified manager made all the difference to Julies peace of mind and bottom line.
If you hire RIGHT your team should pay for themselves (and then some) through increased sales and efficiencies.
When I look at my balance sheet I think that staff costs should be under the direct product/service cost as it makes it easier the see the correlation between a growing business and an amazing team, with the right skills.
If you are ready to make your first hire or your next hire, my calendar is open for the next two weeks, click this link to book a FREE 20 Team Strategy Call, where you’ll come away with some actionable advice and tips.
What's on your bucket list?
Do you have a list of things that you want to achieve before you are 30 or 40 or 50 or ??
Once you have a list or plan for the things that you wish to achieve, like magic things start to come together - Its called a strategy. Do you have one?
Last week I turned 45 and inspired by a fellow entrepreneur, I wrote a list of 50 things that I want to do before I turn 50!
Do you have a bucket list?
On it are things like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and perfecting my French but top of my list was running the Iconic London Marathon and yesterday I found out that I got a spot for this year!
Which is Fab!
26.2 miles IN.ONE.GO!
I’m still slightly in disbelief
But i’m fully aware of the work that is ahead of me - the runs, strength work, yoga and nutrition. Because I’ve already been preparing; I ran a half marathon on January 1st and have two more booked in the Spring.
This reminds me of the work that I do with my clients to start or build their team.
We form the strategy, the structure, the job descriptions, adverts, interview questions and tests - then we finally select the perfect team member and after the excitement of securing the candidate…
My client gets nervous, they start thinking of all the things that they need to get set up to give the person the very best chance of success - how to get them to hit the ground running.
But then they remember that we planned for this, that they’ve already started and they have a plan. That by using our proven methodologies they are sorted.
Like my client Catherine who is a super busy creative, needing more time to be creative and less doing the administrative stuff. So we used our hiring framework to find her the best Operations Assistant and we had a strategy session to help her to step into her true CEO role, so that she could set her new team member up for success. Now she’s been able to focus on creating new lines and building her brand.
If you are planning to build or grow your team, schedule a FREE 20 minute call to discuss how we can help you, using our the Team Strategy Call
Recruit in haste, repent at leisure
Hiring in a rush can lead to issues, check out our tips to ensure you get candidate you need to take your business to the next level
Sue was in a major rush to find a replacement for her finance manager who was about to start maternity leave.
It wasn’t that she hadn’t had 5 months to prepare, it was just that time went by so fast with the business expansion that suddenly she went from not wanting to hire too early, to needing a replacement to start in four weeks.
Sue interviewed several candidates, she had a clear favourite but they could only start in 8 weeks, so she went with her second choice.
Two weeks into handover period, she discovered that her chosen candidate didn’t have as much experience as they’d said and they couldn’t use the accounts software. Sue tried to get her previous first choice back for the role but they’d already secured something else.
We work with clients who are terrified that they’ll recruit the wrong person, especially if it’s one of their first hirers or they are building a new team.
It’s not rocket science but it does take preparation, so that you can be confident in the decision that you make.
Three tips to help you recruit the right candidate:
Be super specific about the key skills, experience and behaviours that you need - Then make sure your interview questions and assessments are aligned to them.
Do more than interview, test for the skills that you need - whether it’s a presentation, case study or trial day.
If you are in doubt, don’t hire
Want more hiring and team management tips, get access to our FREE HR Knowledge Hub
Giving new staff the best start
You invest a lot of time and resource recruiting the best candidate for your role but once your offer has been accepted there is often a gap of a month or more between getting that offer accepted and an individual starting with your organisation, so how do you keep them feeling warm and fuzzy, as well as helping them to settle in once they do start?
We share a few pointers to help you with pre and onboarding.
Throughout the recruitment process, we focus on creating an amazing candidate experience. It’s a two way selling process; we want the best person for our organisation and they want, well they want what they want!
So once you’ve negotiated these waters, made an offer and had it accepted ... WAIT! Before you tick the task off your to do list, ask yourself “What’s Next?
Often there is a gap of a month or more between getting that offer accepted and an individual starting with your organisation, so how do you keep them feeling warm and fuzzy, as well as helping them to settle in once they do start?
Here are a few pointers:
Give them a Buddy
One of the best experiences of on-boarding that I had was being given a ‘Work Buddy’ before I’d started. I received weekly emails in the lead up to my joining date, was invited to payday Friday drinks before I was actually on payroll! Had someone to ask silly questions like where is the nearest sandwich place and is there a good place to get a lunchtime pedicure or how does my new boss like to the communicated with.
Day 1 Brilliance
Make sure their first day runs smoothly. I worked for one organisation, where on my first day the receptionist was waiting for me, my desk had my laptop, phone, note pad and other items and when I checked my emails, I have my induction meetings scheduled for the next few weeks (it included a trip to an international office). Everything was so smooth, I was able to hit the ground running and had access to all that I needed.
Induction Plan
So touching on Inductions, nothing is more frustrating that starting a role and having to find your way around an unfamiliar landscape unassisted. I remember starting a senior role with an organisation, and I didn’t receive my laptop until three days in. I had deliverables, but no way to deliver them! It was very frustrating and I felt like they were unprepared for me. Don’t worry I soon changed the starter process!
Having a detailed plan to introduce a new employee to key stakeholders, systems and processes cuts down on the time it takes to get a person up to speed, and allows you to see how long it should take for them to be fully utilised.
Warmest Welcome
A welcome lunch on the first day/week is always good. Getting to know someone socially is always good and it helps to build team rapport. I worked at one organisation where every month they had a welcome afternoon tea, where you had to speak with at least three people you hadn’t spoken with before, it was a really good way to get to know people in different departments.
Implementing an on-boarding process is a great way to engage with staff before they even start and show them how valued are as an addition to your team.
Contact us to ensure your onboarding process is as fabulous as your business is.
Retaining Top Talent
Losing valued staff can be a business owners worst nightmare. Here are some tips to help you retain your top talent
Priya’s accountancy firm had been running for 4 years, she had painstaking built her business from scratch; knew each client personally and had recruited and developed her team so that she as certain that her clients were receiving an excellent service.
Then Richard one of her longest servicing employees resigned.
She was distraught, “I’ve poured so much into developing him, why would he leave?” she asked. “He seemed happy, what if this is the start of a exodus?”
Ever felt like this?
Losing a valued employee can be a business owners worst nightmare. It’s takes a lot of time, effort and resource to recruit and onboard new team members.
Priya and I met with Richard to get some feedback on his decision to leave to business, turned out that he found a new job, closer to home, that would enable him to spend more time with his young family.
While he wasn’t about to change his mind about his resignation, he did give us some valuable insight in to the team and we used them to communicate effectively with staff and build team morale.
Worried about losing a valued team member? Here are a few tips to help you:
Build and maintain great relationships with your team; have a open and respectful relationship with your team, spend time together and show genuine interest in the things that they are interested in.
Communicate your team mission and aspirations; ensure that everyone in your team knows how they fit into the aspirations for the business and what their path to growth is.
Ask for feedback; it is important that your team feels heard and they their ideas are taken into consideration as you grow and scale your business.
Measure morale regularly; team meetings and employee satisfaction surveys are a good way of checking in.
Understand what motivates each individual; everyone is different and that may mean communicating and creative incentives differently to suit individual personalities .
Need help recruiting and retaining your team, DM us and we’ll be in touch to schedule a quick call to see how we can help you
Three things NOT to do when Interviewing
There are some definite No No’s when it comes to interviewing. Make sure you don’t do the things listed in this weeks blog …
I got an excited call from my career coaching client Lola, she’d got an interview for a role that she really wanted and was so excited! We prepped questions and techniques to stay relaxed and off she went. I then received an emotional call from her after her interview, the first thing she said was “I DO NOT want to work THERE!”. Turned out that the panel threw question after questions at her, didn’t smile or show any positive body language, or even offer a glass of water! Her experience put her off that company for life!
Here are THREE things that you should NEVER as an interviewer:
One – Don’t make it all about the candidate’s skills
Remember that interviews are a two-way sales process, don’t just throw out “Why do you want to work for us?” and “Why are you the best person for this role?” questions. Tell the candidate about your company, why it’s a great place to work, who’ll they’ll be working with and most importantly how you see the role developing.
Two – Don’t be a scary interviewer
Interviews are stressful enough without adding to the situation. We’ve all been in that sweaty palm, heart racing situation (sometimes as an interviewer!). To get the best out of a candidate, you want them to be at ease. Make them feel comfortable and indulge in a little small talk to develop a rapport. You’ll get more genuine responses and better insight into what they’d be like to work with.
Three – Give feedback
Even if a candidate isn’t right for you right now, they may be later on, or be able to recommend someone to you. They’ll only do that if they’ve had a great candidate experience and a big frustration for job hunters is a lack of feedback; after all how can they improve if no one tells them what needs improving!
Spend 5-10 minutes on the phone or writing an email with specific feedback, give 2/3 positives and 2/3 areas for development.
If you are planning to start or build your team get our FREE recruitment cheat sheet, giving you all the do’s and don’ts of interviewing to keep you legislatively compliant, with sample questions for you to ask.
You need _____ and _____ to build a team
Whenever I’ve spoken with a client about building their team and I ask when they want their new employee/consultant/temp to start the answer is normally yesterday!
Thing is, it’s pointless getting someone in and not getting the best out of them, after all they are supposed to take some stress away from you, so that you can focus on delivering excellence to your clients.
Whenever I’ve spoken with a client about building their team and I ask when they want their new employee/consultant/temp to start the answer is normally yesterday!
And I totally get it, I should have hired a VA at least four months earlier than I actually did!
Thing is hiring the right person or company to support your business is going to take PLANNING and PAITENCE. It’s pointless getting someone in and not getting the best out of them, after all they are supposed to take some stress away from you, so that you can focus on delivering excellence to your clients.
Like my client Ade who hired a person to do his admin and finance tasks without a job description, this made it hard to monitor if his team member was working effectively and also led to Ade still doing some of the admin tasks, as the finance tasks had priority. Ade was frustrated and the employee felt like they were being set up to fail in their role.
However, once we sat down and looked at the tasks and skills needed, we were able to draw up a Job Description and agree objectives, so that there was clarity, which meant that Ade got the freedom he needed from the admin tasks and his employee, knew when to hand over finance issues to the accountant.
Ade thought his needed our services to help him to manage poor performance, instead he learnt how to manage his team by being outcome focussed.
It is so vital that you take time to PLAN what you need at the beginning of any hiring process NOT just new roles, even when you are replacing a team member, as priorities change.
Next week, I will be sharing the scoop on the 5 things EVERY Small Business Owner needs to know about hiring staff, each day I’ll be LIVE on our Facebook page, sharing a tip each day. By the end of the week you’ll know how to:
Decide what tasks to delegate and what tasks to keep, so that you can focus on the things that bring you joy and revenue.
Work out the best model for building your team, so that you get the help that you need, in the most cost effective way possible.
Select the best candidate for your role(s), so that you can base your decisions on facts and evidence.
Know your legal obligations, so that you can be confident that you are compliant with Employment legislation.
Train, review and motivate, so that you get the help that you need and can confidently address any issues.
Connect with us on Facebook and turn on notifications, so that you’ll be notified when I go LIVE each day.