Reunion Reminders - Why organisational culture is vital to your success
As small business owners we don’t focus so much on the culture internally but the brand externally, especially as initially we don’t have a team, but if we consider the environment we wish to cultivate before we begin adding to our teams, it will influence the way to recruit, who we recruit and how we communicate.
Last week I attended a reunion for the company where I had my first full time HR Role. It was where I learnt the importance of building relationships, finding out all the details before making assumptions and that you can’t do everything!
It’s also the organisation where I felt the most supported to build my skill set and included in the business, not just a cog in a wheel but a vital part of the business family.
As we mingled in the private room of a central London pub, WHILE the England V Belgium match was happening. I was amazed to see most of the graduates that I’d been instrumental in hiring and find out where they were 11-12 years down the road. There were marriages and babies of course, but also such a variety of roles and industries – I felt really proud that our graduate programme had produced a set of successful and NICE people, who are making a tangible difference in the world.
Everyone I spoke with regarding the organisation – who unfortunately was acquired by a larger consultancy and so no longer exists – said that they loved the culture and that they tried to take the values with them. What better accolade could you want!
As small business owners we don’t focus so much on the culture internally but the brand externally, especially as initially we don’t have a team, but if we consider the environment we wish to cultivate before we begin adding to our teams, it will influence the way to recruit, who we recruit and how we communicate.
This week in our, Free Facebook Group, our 1 minute HR Tips have been about how to motivate your team. Some of the elements discussed would be amazing perks to talk about with potential candidates, if you are starting or building your team.
Things to consider when creating or improving your organisational culture include:
- Clear & Honest Communication – Is your communication clear? Are you sharing with honesty? No ambiguity.
- Being Proactive – Are you looking ahead and taking your team on the journey with you?
- Recognition – Are you recognising greatness within your organisation? Does your top employee know it?
- Is there a bonus scheme in place? If so are the prerequisites and calculations clear?
- Have you assessed your team dynamic? Do you know the type of team members you have?
- Is EVERYONE in your organisation on the same page?
- Do you want to give back to the community as an organisation?
- Do you want to make time for some fun and festivities?
These are some of the things to consider, as you build your organisational culture.
Use these questions to assess your culture and If it is not where you wish it to be. Start to initiate change with just one item on this list and see the improvement it will make to your productivity and morale.
Why I’m so process driven (and you should be too!)
There is freedom in having a process, learn how you can use it to lighten your load, free up your time and delegate easier ...
I am a very detailed person, I like to ask questions to ensure that I’m giving the appropriate advice and guidance. I also don’t like not delivering, so the more I know, the more I can be certain of success.
When I started my business, the lack of tangible data scared me, sure I’d done my market research and had a few ‘unofficial’ clients but this was different.
So I put processes and timelines in place for the things that I needed to get done and made sure I was capturing and analysing data, so I’d know what was and was not successful.
Once I’d got established and could see how the business was scaling and growing. The processes meant that I didn’t forget the things that I needed to do, when I got busy.
It also meant when I needed to hand things over in an emergency, I didn’t need to download my brain as it was already detailed.
Often as entrepreneurs we hold all the cards close to our chest (and in our mental notebook!). This makes it harder to handover work when we reach critical mass. Also, keeping employee and client details in your head is dangerous from a compliance and legislative point of view. Often I have clients that end up spending money to fix an employee issues because they have not documented that they have followed a process.
I keep two journals a business and personal one. They keep my notes, thoughts, ideas and aspirations. Then they become my outcomes, milestones and plans.
Having a process will free you up both mentally and time wise.
Implement a little process in your life and you soon see the benefits.
If you need help with your HR process and planning, contact us for a FREE 30 consultation call here.
From Running to People Management
We share some key learning's from running that can be applied to business ...
You don’t have to speak with me for long to know that I LOVE to run. It’s my favourite way to start my day, my ‘Me’ time, a place to reset, take in Gods handiwork and prepare for my day.
While I was running this morning mentally responding to a client’s employee issue (it’s where I do some of my best work!), I thought about how there are three key similarities between Running and People Management:
1. Preparation
The night before I run, I get all my of my things ready for my run; clothes, trainers, playlist, charge my phone, watch and headphones. It is easy to be distracted from my run if I’m racing around trying to get my things together.
The same applies to People Management, you need to know; Who are you managing? What motivates them? What you want to communicate? How are you going to take them on your journey?
2. Have Objectives
I always know how far I’m planning to run, which route I’m going to take, what pace I want to achieve and what time I need to be home, so I’m on schedule the rest of my day.
You should set focused measurable objectives, not just “Bring in more clients” but “Increase our client base by 10% in the next 60 days” and review and measure them regularly, not just on the objective due date.
3. Be Adaptable
The weather can be one of the most challenging elements to runners. Some mornings, I need to grab my waterproofs and change my route from the trail to the road, other mornings I need my sunglasses, sunscreen and hat.
Do not be blinkered, there may be ideas that your staff have that you haven’t thought of or risks that need be addressed and mitigated. Always keep an open mind.
Need assistance managing your team or training your managers? We are launching our Management Fundamentals workshop as a self study course on the 1 November 2017, join our waiting list here to get an exclusive bonus offer from us prior to formal launch. You can find out more about the Management Fundamentals self study course here.
Distracted from Action?
There are times in every entrepreneurs life, when you find yourself doing 'all the things', but at the end of the day the essetials havent been touched. Here are some tips to deal with distractions ...
I keep receiving emails about business planning, the most interesting that I read, stated “Don’t let your life get in the way of your business” and it made me think, I’ve spent years in the corporate world facilitating and talking about work/life balance, why can I not balance it all? That’s one of the reasons why we started Eden Mayers!
Obviously, life happens and your business still needs to function and be profitable. I have to say that I write this while my 4 year old is curled up asleep on the sofa, having been sick the past few days, so the article probably hit a nerve! I think I’ve got a pretty good balance, I work when my children are in school/childcare during the day and then if needed again when they are asleep.
I do find that some days I achieve a lot more than others, so here are some strategies that I have implemented to ensure my days are as productive as possible:
Have an Organised Work Space
I work both from home and my office space. I used to find that when I worked from home, I ended up working more on the house than the business, as I cannot walk past mess and the same applies to my office. Now I make sure that before I leave the office or before bed, my working space is organised and my to-do list for the next day is completed, that way I don’t get distracted with tidying or doing things that aren’t a priority.
90 Minute Madness
I work in 90 minute blocks, where I shut down my email, turn my phone to airplane mode and focus on a task or theme for 90 minutes. I find that I am able to achieve a lot in a small space of time and it prevents my mind from wandering off task.
Schedule Email and Social Media Interactions
It’s really easy to spend your day reacting to situations, especially in HR! I find that checking and responding to my emails and social media at 9am, 1pm and 5pm, helps me to avoid being distracted.
Take a Break
It is difficult to focus 100% effectively for long lengths of time. Take 5 minutes for some fresh air and to rest your eyes. Take time to eat lunch away from your laptop and phone.
Celebrate Small Successes
It’s hard to keep focused if you feel you aren’t achieving much. Remember to celebrate the small things and give yourself a pat on the back.
It takes a while to make changes become routine, but stick at it and you’ll see the benefits before you know it!
Delegate or Drown
Every entrepreneur has more work than hours in the day, but how do you work out when you need to get some help to allow you to focus on the things that matter, in the business and personally. Find out here ...
As an entrepreneur it can be difficult to release the reins and allow others to work on your ‘business baby’!
Both in my corporate and entrepreneur life, I have struggled with delegating the time consuming administrative and technical tasks to others, as I was SURE they couldn’t do it as well and as quickly as me and if I was going have to teach them and then check it afterwards, I may as well have done it myself! But I wasn’t doing myself any favours, I was busy being busy, and my team wasn’t learning or developing.
The whole idea of delegation is to free you up to do the high value stuff, like speaking with potential clients and delivering 100% to your pay clients, it should also mean that you can go on holiday WITHOUT your laptop, iPad and iPhone or go to your children’s school play without worrying about what’s happening in the office. After all you became an entrepreneur to have freedom and flexibility.
I’ve had many clients say they are so busy, they need help but they have no time to find someone or they just can’t find someone who they can trust to do thing just how they want it done! Fact is, it doesn’t matter how it’s done, if the end result is want you want.
So with this in mind, here are a few signs that it’s time to start delegating:
- Its 3pm, you’ve been working all day, but haven’t completed any of the MUST DO tasks on your list.
- You’ve just spend the last 3 hours trying to make ONE SIMPLE CHANGE to your website.
- You can’t remember the last time you switched your laptop before 10pm.
- You can’t remember the last time you had a no technology day. (email/mobile/facebook/twitter/instagram).
- Some days you get to the end of the day, have been ridiculously busy but can’t name a thing you’ve done and so have no sense of accomplishment.
- Your only solution (on a regular basis) is to just work through the night, so you can get everything done.
If this is you, it’s time to consider what tasks you can delegate and then train, coach and mentor your team or find a service that you can outsource some tasks to.
To find out more, check out how we can support you here.