When your Path is Rocky

We offer Career Coaching to both businesses and individuals – normally with our corporate clients we are working with their graduates or interns as they embark on their career, or experienced staff going through the uncertainty of a restructure. However, the individuals that we work with can be at any stage in their career, just starting, returning to the workforce after a career break, looking to change career or winding down to retirement.

I find these sessions really interesting and fulfilling as often the individual has a burning passion for something that they do (or used to do) in their spare time and never imagine that they could forge a career or start up a business in that area.

For example, I met with a lady who had an established career, she was on the management track, having gone through a management training programme with a large retailer. She then moved into local government management and had worked her way up to senior management. However, she had reached a ceiling, there was nowhere further of interest for her to go in local government and central government didn’t appeal.

When I reviewed her pre meeting questionnaire, I was amazed to see that she’d never pursued what she studied at university, even though I could see that she was volunteering in that sector. When I asked her about it, she said she would love to get paid for delivering that service, but when she graduated it was so hard to get into it, that she applied for the trainee management program at the retailer where she had a part time job during her studies and the rest was history. I could see her eyes light up at the idea of having a fulfilling career in an area that she was passionate in.

We looked at her ideal role and dream employers, we also looked a freelance options and created tailored CV’s, covering letters and prospecting messages. My lovely client was able to secure her ideal role, make a good living and get the work life balance she wanted by pursuing her passion. A year on, she is loving her role and mentoring others.

My coach always says “All of the things you have experienced, positive and negative, come together to make your life’s work”.

Here are a few tips to help you find your dream role or business:

  • What do you LOVE to do?
  • What do you DISLIKE doing?
  • What do people often ask for your HELP with?
  • What QUALIFICATIONS do you have?
  • What SKILLS do you have?
  • What does that little VOICE keep directing you towards?

Your ideal role is a combination of all of these elements. Take some time to sit and reflect, and you will find it!

Watch the Video on this subject here.

For help with your career planning you can find more details on our programme here.