Is your business your first, second, third (or more) career?

I’ve worked with childcare providers who were social workers, website designers who were teachers and holistic therapists who were accountants.

I’m a firm believer that finding the thing that you love to do, as opposed to what you can do to make money is a journey littered with lessons to get you to your ultimate destination (at least for most of us).

When I share my background, people are often surprised that my first degree was in Computer Science. Growing up I loved chess and electronics. Studying IT was an easy choice for college and university. But at university I realised that my passion was finding a solution for my clients, looking outside for the box and being creative with the solutions.

I was heartbroken when I was told that I’d need to work as a programmer for 10+years before I’d be able to be in front of clients creating solutions and overseeing them being delivered. 

So at graduation, I took an office manager role that required some skill with creating databases and it was there that I was introduced to HR. And once I started studying I never looked back.

HR ticked all my boxes:

1. There were challenges that I needed to find solutions for.

2. I had to engage with people to find and execute the solution

3. Sometimes systems and processes were part of the solution.

It was perfect for me.

What makes your business perfect for you?

When we are hiring for our team, we can sometimes get stuck looking for a person who has all the right employment history instead of looking for the transferable skills needed, for example, an ex-teacher will be able to break down complexities and make them easily understood, a stay at home mum will be a master negotiator.

Don’t overlook a candidate because they don’t have the history you are looking for. Look for the skills, you can teach the rest.

How will you change your adverts and selection process going forward to make sure you don’t miss your ideal candidate?

Need some help with your selection process? Schedule a call to see how we can help you hire the best candidate for your business.


Does diversity in the workplace matter?


Causing a stink