Let me tell you a secret …

It’s a well-kept secret - well it was until I wrote this!

I studied IT at undergraduate level and wanted to be a solutions architect when I was younger!

As I studied for my degree, I found that one of my greatest frustrations was coding! Not because I didn’t get it, but because of the little nuances that meant I’d spend all day trying to figure out why my script wasn’t working, to the point of wanting to throw the machine out of the window!!

Then I’d fall asleep frustrated, wake up and instantly know what I needed to fix!!!

It was like all the pieces fell into place when I stepped away from the machine! Does that ever happen to you? You read a document you’ve written and it looks fine. Step away for a few hours and then suddenly the typos of grammatical errors appear! Frustrating isn’t it?

It was that frustration that led me to look for roles that didn’t involve too much coding, and ultimately introduced me to HR!

But even now, my coding experience means that my understanding of HR systems and producing data analytics, means I end up working on HR systems and processes for clients, even when it is not in the original remit!

It’s also is why I’m so interested in the new GPDR regulations, that comes into effect on the 25th May 2018.

I started looking into it for my own business, to make sure that we were prepared, as I have a lot of access to my client’s staff information and of course have personal information from clients, partners and staff.

In case the new European regulation hasn’t hit your radar, here are the top facts that you need to know as a small business owner.

  • GDPR stands for the European General Data Protection Regulation.
  • It applies to businesses across Europe.
  • It relates to personal information – information that can be used the identify individuals, e.g. name, passport number, driver’s license, Ni number.
  • It looks at how you’ve obtained information, why you have it and what you do with it.
  • It give individuals increased control of what information you keep on them and how you process it.
  • There are increased penalties for failure to comply with the new regulations.

The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry published a survey this January that showed that 1 in 4 businesses are not prepared for when the regulation comes into force on the 25th May.

I’ve been working with quite a few clients, helping them to get ready and I can say that no one is 100% ready and I know some companies that haven’t started yet!

So for the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing hits and tips to help you get ready!

Let me know how far you’ve got with your preparation plans and if you have any specific questions.